The man told the woman to sit down. There was another seat opposite but he preferred to remain standing, so he could be close to her. The Caucasian male seated next to the woman observed the lovebirds...

...and decided to give up his seat so that the man could sit with the woman.

He gestured to the man but the man politely declined the offer. The Caucasian gestured 'no problem at all', got up and plonked himself in another seat. The man sat down next to the woman. The couple felt awkward that they could only be seated together by 'inconveniencing' someone. Their facial expressions were priceless.

Quietly, the woman placed her hand on the man's and caressed it as if to say:"Don't feel bad...". At this moment, I felt a strange warmth...

...but at the same time, I also felt the bitter cold of winter. What a Kodak moment to behold...

My sentiments exactly.
It made you want to fall in love.
Then the bitter feeling that you are single and lonely kicks in.
All the best dude.
Well, my wife and I seemed to have more encounters with 'considerate' single passengers when we were dating years ago.
Fewer acts of random kindness these days but I don't mind standing in front of where she is seated. With no kind offers, less chance of being embarrassed.
Maybe it's like the sociological / psychological study on couples kissing in public: if the kissing couple is young and good looking, passers-by tend to give the approving nod (and in some instances overseas, clap). But if the kissing couple is old or ugly... forget all that kindness man. Maybe my wife and I are now over the hill...
And so, whenever I travel alone these days, I try to avoid the awkward feeling associated with giving up a seat or taking someone else's seat by standing in the space between 2 carriages.
this entry is just like your previous one - makes singles like myself wistful. achingly tender, which only accentuates my loneliness even more. great stuff!
you really should compile a book of your art when you've accumulated enough material. maybe not for profit if you're averse, but for your readers. :-)
Hmm well, we seldom see locals giving up seats to even elderlys, not to mention young lovebirds...
The 'kiasu-ism' in us kinda restricts us from giving up seats to anyone at all.
That is why when I travel on buses, I would only sit when there's plenty of seats available, if not, I'd stand in the 'standing area' and on trains, stand in between the carriages.
Once I tried to give up my seat on the train to an elderly woman but I got scolded instead. She said in Hokkien, "I may be old, but I still can stand and I don't need you to give up your seat! Youngsters nowadays very 'lembek' one! Little bit only, fall down already!"
Needless to say, I was embarrassed to bits. All I managed to do was to walk away to another carriage and hide myself.
To klinz above:
I also had the same experience with some old men who still want to act tough.
I also gave up my seat to this 'pregnant' lady on the MRT and my wife later told me that the lady was just *fat*. No wonder she was hesitant to take my seat!
In terms of storytelling, this is one of the best (of all your works posted on your blog). There's a very natural flow to it.
The ang-moh is so considerate! :D If only we Singaporeans could learn to be as cultured and refined as them. Of course in every culture and race, there will always be good and bad eggs :)
That just planted a smile on my face. The grace of the man who gave up his seat and the sobriety of the girlfriend.
Most singaporeans are inconsiderate.. when I was pregnant, if I was really tired, I would go to one passenger and say, "Excuse me, I am pregnant and I am feeling tired, can you give up your seat to me?" Hahahah.. very bad rite? But I feel it is a pregnant lady's right.. muahahaha...
a.o.... Another one that warms the heart!
:) nice story.
Darn those couples. TSK!
This is my fave. Love it to bits. I have been asking my friends to your site. I look forward to every new piece. :)
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