For the bulk of our lives until someone comes into the picture, we've been sleeping alone.

The next thing we know, we have to share a bed. How do we cope with each other's idiosyncrasies?

While I'm sleeping alone, I can be snoring away till the clock rings. No matter how loud I snore, there won't be anyone to wake me abruptly to tell me to stop snoring and vice-versa.

I'm aware that once my sleep is interrupted, I will have some difficulty getting back to sleep again.
I put the question to a few and all gave the same answer: "Oh, get a bigger/better quality mattress. The kind that won't move when your partner moves. You'll just get used to someone lying down beside you eventually."

Is it really that simple?

Perhaps time will tell if I'm worrying too much. Perhaps I'll never know.

At least for now, I don't have to lose sleep over this matter.
hehe, so very true. I snore damn loudly apparently, not that I'll know :)
p.s. just thought that the characters should be wearing pajamas when they are sleeping :P
Hahah, nicely used, the carbonite bit.
Your question got me thinking for awhile too. I guess, that's where the acceptance and tolerance comes in.
Reply to nutcracker: They're not wearing pajamas to sleep as they're living in the surreal world of A.O.
Good stuff you have going here.
Thank you. I enjoyed your art very much.
carbonite! haaa
You're thinking too much. :)
You'll work out what works for both of you. Some people treat it as a form of acceptance of rejection.
Important thing is, if you end up sleeping separately but still on the same bed, face each other, not away. For me, I maintain some form of contact, like touching feet, holding hands, etc. Eventually, natural movement will break the contact, but it's how you start that matters.
Are u married?
Reply to Moon: No, I'm not.
These are funny stuff happening on the bed. You should include one strip with the gal sleeping diagonally on the bed stretching out her legs in either direction, and the guy have to squeeze himself in a tight corner through-out the night. Now THAT would be funny. [Joke taken from real-life experience. *shivers]
That's the problem with spouses sleeping together on the same bed. One person snores and the other is a light sleeper. Solution:
1. Sleep on a separate bed.
2. Sleep in a different room.
3. Use ear plugs (a bit uncomfortable).
People would criticise: If sleep separately then what's the point of getting married in the first place? That's the problem with getting married. Problems would surely arise. It's entirely up to the couple how they want to work things out with each other. Only if they are committed to working things out with each other for the rest of their lives, will they stand a chance of staying together.
Ha, ha, ha...! :D Frozen in carbonite and in perfect hibernation just like Han Solo in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back! :D Cool! :D
Very original entry here.
You should do a part 2 on snoring problems, weird sleeping positions and maybe sleep punching.
Yeah, one of my friends punched his gal in his sleep. Needless to say, he got his desserts as he woke up.
Do you guys wear pajamas to sleep? Tried doing that when I was younger but I prefer shorts and T-shirt anytime.
:) u finally posted about this topic.
nice illustration :)
lol good one..carbonite..always love your blog.to be honest i'm ok with my gf sleeping next to me..it will be nice to wake up next to your soulmate every morning
Well you get used to it and then when the person is not there you cant sleep!
Nice illustrations!
Erm... well, I think you get used to it over time... now tat my son loves my bed.. i have to get used to sleeping with two other pple... and I end up missing sleeping just with my husband mah...
when there is someone else sleeping with you.. got another bolster lor.. hahahaa
Eee. No extra hugging pillows, no extra huging bolsters, no blankets, and definatly NO pajamas. I see why he was frozen...hehe
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