HER - Morning in the office:

HIM - Morning in the office:

THEM - Back home:

1. Time to eat, girl.
2. I may not be able to excercise consumer sovereignty at the moment but you could consider reviewing the dinner menu.
3. Did she pass motion earlier?
P.S. "Business talk" in frames 1 and 2 culled from various articles online.
this is excellent!!! hahaha... i really wonder why people baby-talk to kids though. do they really think it helps the kids understand them?
cynic ==> Children actually develop they speech from mono-symbolical words.
Good one!
I think everyone is just dying to talk baby talk lah. Jargon, words with 2 syllables and more, are all just part of our ploy to make us believe that we're smarter than we really are. It's all a facade. And the baby is the perfect opportunity (or scapegoat, depending on which way you look at it) for us to show our true colors. Bwahaha.
Yay...wonder what I'm gonna mum mum later...
I thought it sounds more like "nggg nggg"? Hee hee...
To acey deucey: I think your version sounds about right. Suddenly I got an urge to ngg ngg :D
ahahaha :) :) :)
it's better to talk baby talk to them first.. it's too chim for them to understand other words! :)
yes i finally watched NANA :)
lupin: i've read a few reports where parents of highly intelligent people say one of the things they did was NEVER babytalk with the kids. whether it works or not is questionable, but i'm inclined to try it in future! ;)
hahaha i love the consumer sovereignty part!!
Consumer sovereignty dictates that the consumer is king and he can do whatever he wants. He can consume whatever he wants, whichever way he likes it or deems fit, provided he can afford what he wants to consume, of course :)
oh, very clever indeed! Keep drawing!
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