Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Just A Comic 03

A big apology for not updating my blog. Been busy with 'activities in a galaxy far far away'. To make up for the lull period, I now present a bumper issue. Hope you like what you see. Happy reading :)

Disclaimer: This is a non-commercial spoof comic. BATMAN © DC Comics.


Damien Wang said...

"Love that Joker" :-)))))

mooiness said...

Awesome dude!

Anonymous said...

this is wonderful... i really enjoyed it!

Stormtrooper's Lackey said...

that's some really impressive artwork featured there!

yq-owns-it said...

Hmm.. batman in singapore? i have got to see it myself.. did he pay COE for his vehicle? haa... confirm kana summon one.. ha..

Shaun said...

you are brilliant, really enjoyed your art and dialogue

None said...


sÞ¡ηηєє said...

wahhahahaha the long awaited post dan.... really miss your comics.

and this is really a good one, you always know how to intergrate current affairs and animation :)

good job :)

BBBBBBB said...

Power lah babe!!!! Bumper issue siboh!

artreyu said...

glad that u're ur comics.

Anonymous said...

wow. nice bumper edition. keep up the good work. (:

professor said...

That's really funny, Batman in Singapore! Haha...

Lupin Tan said...

Finally !!!!

U know, limpeh had been checking ur blog every other day for an update. Ur haitus damn super long

Salarbat Stall, off Cecil st. They sell nice muffin there. Bet u work around that area. hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Who needs Batman when there's Robin? :D

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