Happy Lunar New Year. Better late than never :-) Subtitles provided as usual.
Girl: Gong Xi Fa Cai!
(For as far back as I can remember, my relatives wish each other 'Kong Yee Wat Sai' (Gong Xi Fa Cai) and not 'Happy New Year'.)
编辑: 恭喜发财!哇,你这么迟才来跟我拜年啊?快要过十五了叻。
Editor: Gong Xi Fa Cai! Wah... you so late then visit me ah? The fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year is almost gone liao leh.
Girl: Aiyah, I have so much work. Here, here, let me treat you to some peanut cookies.
编辑: 哇,谢了,呵呵。
Editor: Wah! Thanks. Hehe.
女:一年过一年很快, hor?
Girl: The year went by very fast, hor?
Editor: Yah lor.
女: Ay, 这饼又新鲜,又好吃,hor?
Girl: Ay, the cookies very fresh, very tasty hor?
Editor: Not bad, not bad.
Editor: You baked these cookies ah?
Girl: No lah, bought one. Heehee.
Editor: Cheh...You sounded as though you baked them.XD